Friday, January 22, 2010

the other white meat

guys.. i have to confess something. i'm a meat lover. yupp cant deny it! when i was "sick" i was a vegetarian for all the wrong reasons. Meat in moderation has plenty of benefits and gahhh, i honestly cant get enough(; so wrong i knowwww..

take for example this easy dish i made:
i know my photos suck, i'm working on it:P
apple slow roasted pork:
pork loin rubbed with salt and pepper and roasted in an apple spice glaze.
UNBELIEVABLE! if you want the recipe i'm more than happy to share! :D

why choose pork?
Pork contains significant amounts of Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Thiamin, Niacin, Riboflavin and Pantothenic Acid.
packed with iron (; ladiessssss
pork loin is in fact leaner than chicken thighs and
it provides plenty of protein for muscle mass and some fat to keep your skin healthy.
nutritional powerhouse i'd say (:


  1. hey! well im a veg and this post even got me(: looks amazing and so many benefits from it! and your photos are greaaaat what are you talking about?! have an amazing sunday xoxo soph

  2. I haven't had pork in AGES..
    I used to eat it so often pre-ed but now, it just isn't the same :o Good job cookin' tho.. it looks great!

    Have a great night!

  3. Hi! I love meat too, not gonna lie! That pork sounds fab! -Kylee
