today was SO much better already.. thanks for all the support lovies (:
woke up to my usual (cant get enough)
banana oat bran with peanut butter
its too early to ever get a good enough photo
and went straight to church, if you havent met Jesus Christ, he's a pretty cool man (;
i then ventured to the gym with my long lost best friend

i will refer to her as gumdrop for the sake of identity (;
after more flirting with the guidos than actual fitness,
created my own after a salad i had in philly:
mixed lettuce, carrots,red onion, turkey, BACON (oh why did i deny you for so long?), feta and mushrooms all tied together with FF Balsamic
the hot toasty whole wheat rolls are freaking unbelievable
we went back to her house and tried kim kardashian's butt blaster, we burned more calories laughing than you would even if you put effort into it(;
i then ventured off to friendly's where i did bust some butt serving sundaes and burgers :D
came home to a lovely snack plate:
carrot chips, pumpernickel rye whole grain pretzels, cucmber slices
all deliciously dipped in cottage cheese/ salsa
a lot better than it sounds! brilliannnnnt combination :D promise.