EARLY (LIKE 2AM) why cant i sleep?!
i woke up oddly enough craving vegetables;
plain, boiled, crisp vegetables.
what the heck?! is my body trying to tell me something?!

exactly what i had: 2 eggs scrambled, huge bowl of steamed broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, served with a bottle squirt of ketchup
other eats i've been meaning to share:
yesterdays lunch:

roast beef, provolone, and spinach panini with a golden delicious
vanilla oikos with a whole grain banana nut muffin, little spoonful of barney butter just for good measure :Dyummmmmy
i've been running everyday and its true! it does get easier! for all you treaders out there, any suggestions on getting more miles in?
how do you fall asleep? AND stay asleep?!