Friday, April 23, 2010


have i honestly neglected my blog again?
... i did, i'm sorry.

this has been my life in one sentence.
sleep, eat, school, eat, work, eat, sleep, work, work, work, work.
get it?
semesters almost over so i definitely will find sometime!
cannot wait to move to VA BEACH FOR BIBLE COLLEGE!

yayayayy sand!

i'll leave ya to think about this!

when God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better..


  1. Hang in there girl your almost done, where do you work??
    I love that last quote, its so true. <3
    Glad you posted again <3 <3

  2. Hi I am from your area! I'm from philly!
    Email me sometime or send me a comment on my blog. I would love to chat!

  3. hey beautiful - i'm a christian, and i live in VA! if you ever wanna meet up for some food/gossip/encouragement, i'd love to meet you!

    ps - your blog is adorable, and you are too!
